| How to Turn Every Discovery Call Into a Slam Dunk

How to Turn Every Discovery Call Into a Slam Dunk

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine this scenario: you’ve played your cards right, and you finally secure a sales call with a high-profile prospect who’s just itching to whip out their corporate credit card. But then, like a match struck only to be blown out by a cruel wind, you flounder on the initial call and watch the prospect slip through your fingers.

You’ve sweated bullets to set up this call, brimming with anticipation to strut your stuff and exhibit your exceptional offerings. Now, it’s crunch time. Will you effectively capture the prospect’s attention, unearth the critical data, and pave a glittering path to a deal closure?

Sales calls are like baking: with the right ingredients, precise timing, and a little bit of intuition, you can whip up a winner every time.

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Here’s a snazzy checklist that’s a cocktail of pre-call prep, active listening and follow-up tactics. These nifty tips will make sure your discovery calls aren’t just victorious, but drive your sales process forward with the momentum of a freight train. So fasten your seatbelts and let’s dive headfirst into the exhilarating world of discovery sales calls!

Pre-call prep

  • Play the LinkedIn Card: Shoot a connection request to all call participants. Something like, “{First name}, I eagerly look forward to our rendezvous {next week}” works wonders.
  • Punctuality is Key: Be the early bird. Show up on time or better yet, a few minutes before. Nothing says “I value you” better than not keeping someone waiting.
  • Pre-Call Intel: If any thoughts or interests popped up prior to the call, have the data ready to weave into the conversation.
  • Homework Time: It’s not high school, but homework still counts. Study the prospect’s LinkedIn profile, get acquainted with their company’s current focal points, peruse their recent press releases, check for active hiring in relevant positions, and scope out the organization’s size.

On the Call

  • Face Time: Cameras on, everyone! A video call is the next best thing to a physical meeting. It’s more personal, and usually prompts others to follow suit or apologize for their invisibility.
  • Build a Bridge: Establish rapport by discussing something you learned about them or their company during your prep.
  • Two-Way Street: This isn’t a monologue, it’s a dialogue. Get them comfortable, chatty, and invested in the conversation.
  • The Inquisitive Beaver: Before you launch into your spiel, get the lowdown on their company, objectives, their role and activities in your target area.
  • The Art of Listening: Pay rapt attention to their words and respond accordingly. Nodding your head while scrolling through your emails won’t cut it.
  • Dig Deeper: Keep the questions flowing. Probe more, learn more, understand more.
  • Your Turn: When it’s time for your business introduction, avoid slides if you can. It keeps them on their toes, engaged and interactive.
  • Less is More: Resist the temptation to over-detail. Let them ask for it, which keeps them hooked and the conversation alive.
  • Track Record & USP: While introducing your business, exhibit your achievements that are relevant to the participants and underscore your USPs clearly.
  • Score Big: As the call wraps up, aim for the maximum commitment you can extract, whether it’s a follow-up call, sending them documents for review, or a timeline for their response.

After the Call

  • Keep the Momentum: Follow up on the agreed next steps. Send meeting invites, detailed emails, thank-you notes and request feedback after their internal discussion.
  • Deliver Promises: If they requested specific info, dig it up and deliver. Keep your word.
  • Persistence Pays: Stay proactive till the next step. If a meeting is scheduled, great! If they need to debrief internally, make sure you get their feedback.

Sales calls are like baking: with the right ingredients, precise timing, and a little bit of intuition, you can whip up a winner every time. Just remember, even the most seasoned chefs sometimes need a recipe – consider this yours for success in every discovery call. Now, get out there and start cooking up some deals!

Customer testimonials | How to Turn Every Discovery Call Into a Slam Dunk
Karim Mohammed
CEO @ Tranquil Clinical Research, Clinical Research Organization & Clinical Site has mastered the ability to open doors that were previously closed. The impressive team of folks that works to continuously build business for me, learns my business and then sets out to build my business. If you need a team to get you out in front of the right clients, has consistently performed for my organization. | How to Turn Every Discovery Call Into a Slam Dunk
Rafael Rosengarten
CEO @ Genialis, Data science and drug discovery company gets you in front of your customers with insane efficiency. They figure out the right people to talk with, and deliver that meeting directly to your calendar. Doing business in the life sciences and biotech industries requires a deep understanding of these markets. The team gets it, and this enables a personalized approach to outreach that resonates with its audience. | How to Turn Every Discovery Call Into a Slam Dunk
Kyle Giffin
Chief Operating Officer, LatchBio simply delivers. A totally professional team, they have increased our meeting count and helped us close real customers. I’m grateful to be working with Klemen and Urska, and would recommend their service to others in biotech.
Switzerland-based service provider are true domain experts and have consistently delivered highly qualified leads for us. Their approach to lead-generation is highly targeted and focused allowing me to spend my time and efforts on pursuing high-ticket business opportunities. I highly recommend to anyone looking to optimize their marketing budgets, whilst still making meaningful connections in the life-science industry.
VP Sales
San Diego-based platform biotechnology company
Running a lean start up requires effective lead generation for commercial activities. The team at took the time to learn our technology and our solution services with our company. They worked effectively to bring our organization high quality prospects for our early access program and sales. I would highly recommend their organization for any company looking to outsource their lead generation.
Head of Business Development
European CRO helped us to generate a multitude of introductory meetings with potential clients and some of these meetings were the starting point of new exciting business relationships. The collaboration is smooth and efficient and when comparing costs per high quality lead the approach is superior compared to other lead generating methods such as congresses or webinars.

Check if you qualify

To take advantage of services, your business must fulfill the following eligibility requirements:

  • Sales process includes exploratory sales meeting
  • Target one or more of supported industries
  • Audience size > 1,000 - Calculate your target audience size
  • Average annual contract value > $5,000
  • Direct sales, not (only) via distributors
Fill Your Calendar with Sales Meetings star

How our clients describe

“An efficient company that helps us to find good leads for new projects so that we could close contracts from leads we got from them. I recommend trying them out.”
“An efficient way of outsourcing contacting new business leads.”
“Provides quality contacts/prospects for sales.”
“ has helped us to find several of our recurring customers.”
“Flexible, focused, responsive, experts.”
“A risk-free method to collect new leads.”
“Reactive and collaborative company that can create meetings for you.”
“Helps us find clients by booking meetings on our behalf.”
“A facilitator to generate great qualified leads using tailored mail marketing strategy.”
“A great way to get meetings without having to worry about how to send and manage cold emails.”
“Resource for targeted lead generation to supplement your business development initiatives.”
“Reliable and efficient leadgen service provider for life sciences.”
“An extension of your business development team to help you find new valid leads.”