| Is email still a relevant prospecting channel in 2020?

Is email still a relevant prospecting channel in 2020?

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Email is dead. We’ve all heard it. It’s often suggested most B2B communication today is channeled via other types of media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and even Facebook). Most companies already have a chatbot on their website. Customers expect prompt answers and immediate results. In a world of instant communication, this makes sense. In fact, this has been predicted before:

“I’m predicting that a new communication channel will replace email by 2020.”

— John BrandonContributing editor,, 2015

However, empty predictions are a dime a dozen, and like many others, this one doesn’t quite hold up to statistics either. According to Radicati group, 4 billion users still rely on email in 2020. That’s over half of the world’s population. What’s more, according to HubSpot, a staggering 86% of professionals prefer to use email when communicating for business purposes.

Essentially, this suggests, at least in the initial stage of every deal, email remains the preferred mode of communication. This is especially true in the biopharma space, as buyers typically like to determine if the solution fits their needs before sharing sensitive information and committing time to meet in-person. I would go so far as to say email is the primary lead generation channel for biopharma and life science sales in 2020.

Now, this obviously doesn’t mean every email you send will be greeted with the same enthusiasm as you had when you wrote it.

So now that we’ve established email is still alive and kicking, the real question is does spending all that time composing emails really pay off, or do most emails get deleted as soon as they land in someone’s inbox?

In our experience, prospects really do engage with emails. In fact, I’d argue they do so more than they do on social media, where most users just passively scroll through a never-ending stream of content.

There are some really interesting statistics on this topic that corroborate our findings. According to Campaign Monitor, you’re 6 times more likely to get a click-through from an email campaign than you are from a tweet. A message is 5x more likely to be seen in an email than via Facebook (Radicati, 2017). What’s more, B2B organizations report a whopping $46 return on every invested dollar in email marketing (DMA, 2019). If these numbers tell us anything, it’s that you’re missing out if you’re aren’t leveraging email as a communication channel to reach your prospects.

But of course, not all emails are created equal. We’ve all come across emails that wind up straight in the trash. This is typically due to a lack of (or insufficient) research, and not really understanding your (potential) customers. There are three basic guidelines that you should follow to personalize your emails:

1. Segmentation

Segmentation is the division of potential clients into smaller tranches in order to ensure your content is personalized and relevant to each and every recipient. In other words, you wouldn’t want to market reagents to a bioinformatics company, would you? Or offer clinical trial management services to a preclinical biopharma company? There are many ways to approach this, and even basic segmentation, such as by industry type, leads to a huge improvement in response rates. According to Mailchimp, recipients are 75% more likely to read emails from segmented campaigns than non-segmented ones.

2. Mobile

We use our phones everywhere and for everything. Take one look around and chances are you’ll see a majority of people glued to their screens. Phones have become our payment systems, navigation devices, source of news, and even entertainment. It’s not surprising then that almost every study on email open rates concludes at least 50% of all emails are read on mobile devices (Campaign Monitor, 2018). This means one, and only one thing. Your email has to look as good on mobile as it does on a computer screen. Period. Bite-sized sentences organized in clean, readable stanzas.

3. Iteration

Rome wasn’t built in a day. See what works and what doesn’t, starting with the subject line down to the CTA. Use well-defined metrics, and some good old fashioned statistics to continuously measure and improve response rates to ensure your customers find your content valuable. Everything else will follow.



If you’re feeling stuck, or worse, your emails often wind up in the spam folder, we should talk. We’re happy to discuss our experience with email marketing and share our insights. You can get in touch with us.


Customer testimonials | Is email still a relevant prospecting channel in 2020?
Karim Mohammed
CEO @ Tranquil Clinical Research, Clinical Research Organization & Clinical Site has mastered the ability to open doors that were previously closed. The impressive team of folks that works to continuously build business for me, learns my business and then sets out to build my business. If you need a team to get you out in front of the right clients, has consistently performed for my organization. | Is email still a relevant prospecting channel in 2020?
Rafael Rosengarten
CEO @ Genialis, Data science and drug discovery company gets you in front of your customers with insane efficiency. They figure out the right people to talk with, and deliver that meeting directly to your calendar. Doing business in the life sciences and biotech industries requires a deep understanding of these markets. The team gets it, and this enables a personalized approach to outreach that resonates with its audience. | Is email still a relevant prospecting channel in 2020?
Kyle Giffin
Chief Operating Officer, LatchBio simply delivers. A totally professional team, they have increased our meeting count and helped us close real customers. I’m grateful to be working with Klemen and Urska, and would recommend their service to others in biotech.
Switzerland-based service provider are true domain experts and have consistently delivered highly qualified leads for us. Their approach to lead-generation is highly targeted and focused allowing me to spend my time and efforts on pursuing high-ticket business opportunities. I highly recommend to anyone looking to optimize their marketing budgets, whilst still making meaningful connections in the life-science industry.
VP Sales
San Diego-based platform biotechnology company
Running a lean start up requires effective lead generation for commercial activities. The team at took the time to learn our technology and our solution services with our company. They worked effectively to bring our organization high quality prospects for our early access program and sales. I would highly recommend their organization for any company looking to outsource their lead generation.
Head of Business Development
European CRO helped us to generate a multitude of introductory meetings with potential clients and some of these meetings were the starting point of new exciting business relationships. The collaboration is smooth and efficient and when comparing costs per high quality lead the approach is superior compared to other lead generating methods such as congresses or webinars.

Check if you qualify

To take advantage of services, your business must fulfill the following eligibility requirements:

  • Sales process includes exploratory sales meeting
  • Target one or more of supported industries
  • Audience size > 1,000 - Calculate your target audience size
  • Average annual contract value > $5,000
  • Direct sales, not (only) via distributors
Fill Your Calendar with Sales Meetings star

How our clients describe

“An efficient company that helps us to find good leads for new projects so that we could close contracts from leads we got from them. I recommend trying them out.”
“An efficient way of outsourcing contacting new business leads.”
“Provides quality contacts/prospects for sales.”
“ has helped us to find several of our recurring customers.”
“Flexible, focused, responsive, experts.”
“A risk-free method to collect new leads.”
“Reactive and collaborative company that can create meetings for you.”
“Helps us find clients by booking meetings on our behalf.”
“A facilitator to generate great qualified leads using tailored mail marketing strategy.”
“A great way to get meetings without having to worry about how to send and manage cold emails.”
“Resource for targeted lead generation to supplement your business development initiatives.”
“Reliable and efficient leadgen service provider for life sciences.”
“An extension of your business development team to help you find new valid leads.”